Bulk Whatsapp Sender is a google Chrome based tool / Software that allow to user send bulk Whatsapp message to customer without saving his number or direct from excel file.
Bulk Whatsapp Sender Software allow to send unlimited Messages to your customer.

(1) Bulk Whatsapp Sender working in Mobile Application?
ANS: No, this is google Chrome Extension so, it will work only in Computer System (Mac, Linux, Window) all Operating System it working.
(2) Free Version need any Activation Key?
ANS: Free Version you can download from Google Chrome Store Free of Charge there is no need to any registration or no need to any activation

(3) What is Group Sender Features?
ANS: Group Sender Features allow to send message to all group.
(4) What is Group Contact Extractor Features?
ANS: Group Contact Extractor Features allow to Extract Number from Whatsapp Group